Leeds Ramadan Timetable 2023 provides you the latest information on Leeds Sahur times and Leeds iftar times. With the Leeds Ramadan Timetable 2023 you can find out the prayer times on a daily basis.
Alhamdulillah! The blessed month of Ramadan is coming again with all its blessings. Muslims around the world have been looking forward to this month to worship Almighty Allah and to experience the spirit of the blessed month of Ramadan.
What time is iftar in Leeds today?
The holy month of Ramadan comes to bless the Islamic world with its spiritual beauties. In this blessed month, believers practice fasting.
„What time is Sahur in Leeds? Our brothers and sisters who are curious about answers to questions like“ What time is Iftar in Leeds? „, can download the Ramadan schedule on their computer or phone.
When is Ramadan 2023 in Leeds?
Ramadan is approaching, the holy month of worship when Muslims gather at iftar tables and homes are filled with peace and prosperity. This year, Ramadan 2023 begins on March 22, 2023 and ends on April 21, 2023
First Day of Ramadan: Wednesday, March 22
Last Day of Ramadan: Friday, April 21
Eid al-Fitr Day 1: Saturday, April 22
Eid al-Fitr Day 2: Sunday, April 23
Eid al-Fitr Day 3: Monday, April 24
The gift of Ramadan: Fasting
During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to fast for 30 days. Therefore Ramadan has a special meaning for Muslims: during this month, the Qur’an-ı Kerim was revealed as a guide for people; this time should be understood as a month of inner reflection and contemplation for every Muslim. For example; eating, drinking, smoking and sexual intercourse are forbidden from sunrise to sunset.
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is based on the moon. It is ten or eleven days shorter per year than the solar calendar, so Ramadan takes place at a different time each year. According to the Qur‘ an-ı Kerim, daily fasting begins as soon as you can distinguish a white thread from a black one at dawn.
For example; people who are sick, nursing women and travelers are exempt from fasting. However they should complete it later. As a rule, small children do not fast either. Eid al-Fitr, one of the two most important festivals in Islam, is celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
Dua for Breaking Fast
دعاء اليوم الثلاثين:: اللهمّ اجْعَلْ صيامي فيهِ بالشّكْرِ والقَبولِ على ما تَرْضاهُ ويَرْضاهُ الرّسولُ مُحْكَمَةً فُروعُهُ بالأصُولِ بحقّ سَيّدِنا
„Allahumme ğaşşinî fîhi bi’r-rahmet, verzugnî fih’it-tevfîga vel-isme, ve tahhir galbî min ğayahib’it-tuhmet, ya rahimen bi-ibadih’il-mu’minîn.“
My Allah! Cover me with your mercy this day; On this day, please grant me -to do good deeds- tawfiq and -protection-power-from bad deeds- and cleanse me from the darkness of things that can be considered as suspicion and crime; O merciful to his believing servants -My Lord!-