San Antonio Ramadan Timing 2023 offers you the information about San Antonio Sahur times and San Antonio iftar times. With San Antonio Ramadan Schedule 2023, you can also find out the daily prayer times.
The holy month of Ramadan comes to bless the Islamic world with its spiritual beauties. In this blessed month, believers practice fasting.
„When is San Antonio Sahur time? Our brothers and sisters who are curious about answers to questions like“ When is Iftar time in San Antonio? „, can download the Ramadan calendar on their computer or phone.
When is Ramadan 2023 in San Antonio?
Ramadan is approaching, which is the holy month of worship when Muslims gather at iftar tables and homes are filled with peace and prosperity. This year, Ramadan 2023 begins on 22 March and ends on 21 April. Daily prayer times in San Antonio
Beginning of Ramadan: Wednesday, 22 March
Ramadan Eid day 1: Saturday, 22 April
Ramadan Eid Day 2: Sunday, 23 April
Ramadan Eid Day 3: Monday, 24 April
Ramadan timing in San Antonio 2023
This year, with the start of Ramadan, thousands of our Muslim brothers and sisters in San Antonio are coming together at the iftar tables. The believers end their fast following the Maghrib prayer times in Ramadan 2023.
Dua for breaking the fast
Allahumma inni laka sumtu, wa bika aamantu, [wa ‘alayka tawakkaltu], wa Ala rizqika aftartu
English translation: Oh Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You [and I put my trust in You] and I break my fast with Your sustenance.