Bradford Ramadan Timetable 2023 provides you the latest information on Bradford Sahur times and Bradford iftar times. With the Bradford Ramadan Timetable 2023 you can find out the prayer times on a daily basis.
Alhamdulillah! The blessed month of Ramadan is coming again with all its blessings. Muslim brothers and sisters around the world have been looking forward to this month to worship Almighty Allah and to experience the spirit of the blessed month of Ramadan.
What time is iftar in Bradford today?
The holy month of Ramadan comes to bless the Islamic world with its spiritual beauties. In this blessed month, believers practice fasting.
„What time is Sahur in Bradford? Our brothers and sisters who are curious about answers to questions like“ What time is Iftar in Bradford? „, can download the Ramadan schedule on their computer or phone.
When is Ramadan 2023 in Bradford?
Ramadan is approaching, the holy month of worship when Muslims gather at iftar tables and homes are filled with peace and prosperity. This year, Ramadan 2023 begins on March 22, 2023 and ends on April 21, 2023
First Day of Ramadan: Wednesday, March 22
Last Day of Ramadan: Friday, April 21
Eid al-Fitr Day 1: Saturday, April 22
Eid al-Fitr Day 2: Sunday, April 23
Eid al-Fitr Day 3: Monday, April 24
Ramadan 2023: Why do Muslims fast?
Ramadan is said to commemorate the time when the Archangel Gabriel revealed the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.v.). It is considered a particularly holy time. Islam states that Ramadan is the month when God speaks to mankind. During this time, believers should have the opportunity to intensively reflect on their faith.
Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and is therefore one of the most important rules of the Islamic faith. We as Muslim people believe that the Prophet Mohammed (s.a.v.) was the first Muslim to fast during Ramadan. The aim of fasting is to purify the body and soul. However, fellowship and solidarity with the weak and poor are also particularly important during this month.
Lord! Strengthen me in it to perform Your commands, enable me in it to taste the sweetness of mentioning Your Name, enable me in it to truly thank You with Your generosity, and safeguard me in it with Your safeguard and cover, O most seeing One!