Ramadan 2021

When is Ramadan 2023 in UAE?

Here are the estimated dates for Ramadan 2023, according to astronomical predictions (a small delay may occur):

Ramadan 2023 (1444): March 22 – April 21, 2021.

Dubai ramadan calender 2023

When is the start date for Ramadan 2023 in UAE ?

Ramadan is the name for the ninth month of the year in the Islamic calendar. Ramadan is a month of fasting in the Muslim tradition and like every month in this lunar calendar, it begins exactly when the first crescent of the new moon is visible in the sky. According to the Quran, on the first day of Ramadan, the Muslim standing there must perform a great ablution – that is, purification with pure water – and formulate his intention to fast every day of the holy month. In other words, abstain from food, drink, sexual intercourse and smoking from sunrise to sunset.

When is EID 2023 in UAE? End of Ramadan 2023

The last day of the fasting month will be around  April 21, 2023 InshAllah. The final date will be known on the night of doubt.

Why does muslims fast in Ramadan?


Fasting plays an important role in many of the world’s great religions and is a figure in all the Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Islam, Muslims, who are able to do so, must fast during the month of Ramadan, and it is also recommended to fast at other times of the year.

Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam. A key objective of increasing fasting in Taqwa (closeness to God) is to generate a sense of gratitude, self-discipline, and self-improvement, both at the individual and community levels, which Muslims are encouraged to continue throughout the year.

At the individual level, fasting encourages us to feel an affinity with the poor around the world, while for our own bodies, scientific studies have shown that fasting offers several health benefits (cell regeneration, increased immunity etc.) and forms of intermittent fasting have been incorporated into many diets.

At the community level, breaking the fast (iftar) at sunset encourages families and communities to share their meal together, while charitable works communities generally increase during Ramadan.

What are the rules of Ramadan?

The prohibitions during the month of Ramadan are quite strict. Deliberate eating, drinking, smoking or having sex during the day „devalues“ the fast. However, since forgetting cannot be punished, accidentally eating or drinking does not invalidate the fast. Intentionally having sex during Ramadan is considered a „great sin.“ It is perfectly permissible to swallow your own saliva and, of course, to brush your teeth. The only thing really forbidden is to swallow anything other than your own saliva. Also forbidden is obscene language, insults, false statements, and even „unkind“ behavior. A healthy diet and good hydration are also preferable when breaking the fast.