Prayer Times In Blackburn
You can access instant prayer times information on the Prayer Times Blackburn page. You can also view the monthly prayer times table of Blackburn on Muslim-Salah.
2025-03-13 Blackburn |
Fajr | 4:43 |
Dhuhr | 12:21 |
Asr | 3:18 |
Maghrib | 6:02 |
Isha | 7:52 |
2025-03-13 Blackburn |
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
01 | 5:12 | 7:09 | 12:23 | 3:02 | 5:38 | 7:29 |
02 | 5:09 | 7:06 | 12:23 | 3:03 | 5:40 | 7:31 |
03 | 5:07 | 7:04 | 12:23 | 3:05 | 5:42 | 7:32 |
04 | 5:05 | 7:02 | 12:23 | 3:06 | 5:44 | 7:34 |
05 | 5:03 | 7:00 | 12:22 | 3:08 | 5:46 | 7:36 |
06 | 5:00 | 6:57 | 12:22 | 3:09 | 5:48 | 7:38 |
07 | 4:58 | 6:55 | 12:22 | 3:10 | 5:50 | 7:40 |
08 | 4:56 | 6:53 | 12:22 | 3:12 | 5:52 | 7:42 |
09 | 4:53 | 6:50 | 12:22 | 3:13 | 5:54 | 7:44 |
10 | 4:51 | 6:48 | 12:21 | 3:14 | 5:56 | 7:46 |
11 | 4:48 | 6:45 | 12:21 | 3:16 | 5:58 | 7:48 |
12 | 4:46 | 6:43 | 12:21 | 3:17 | 6:00 | 7:50 |
13 | 4:43 | 6:41 | 12:21 | 3:18 | 6:02 | 7:52 |
14 | 4:41 | 6:38 | 12:20 | 3:20 | 6:03 | 7:54 |
15 | 4:38 | 6:36 | 12:20 | 3:21 | 6:05 | 7:56 |
16 | 4:36 | 6:33 | 12:20 | 3:22 | 6:07 | 7:58 |
17 | 4:33 | 6:31 | 12:20 | 3:23 | 6:09 | 8:00 |
18 | 4:30 | 6:29 | 12:19 | 3:25 | 6:11 | 8:02 |
19 | 4:28 | 6:26 | 12:19 | 3:26 | 6:13 | 8:04 |
20 | 4:25 | 6:24 | 12:19 | 3:27 | 6:15 | 8:06 |
21 | 4:22 | 6:21 | 12:18 | 3:28 | 6:17 | 8:09 |
22 | 4:20 | 6:19 | 12:18 | 3:29 | 6:19 | 8:11 |
23 | 4:17 | 6:16 | 12:18 | 3:31 | 6:20 | 8:13 |
24 | 4:14 | 6:14 | 12:18 | 3:32 | 6:22 | 8:15 |
25 | 4:11 | 6:11 | 12:17 | 3:33 | 6:24 | 8:17 |
26 | 4:08 | 6:09 | 12:17 | 3:34 | 6:26 | 8:19 |
27 | 4:05 | 6:07 | 12:17 | 3:35 | 6:28 | 8:22 |
28 | 4:03 | 6:04 | 12:16 | 3:36 | 6:30 | 8:24 |
29 | 4:00 | 6:02 | 12:16 | 3:37 | 6:32 | 8:26 |
30 | 3:57 | 5:59 | 12:16 | 3:39 | 6:33 | 8:28 |
31 | 3:54 | 5:57 | 12:15 | 3:40 | 6:35 | 8:31 |
On the Muslim-Salah, you can find answers to questions about prayer times in Balckburn such as „when is Fajr time in Blackburn, when is Dhuhr time in Blackburn ”, “when is Asr time in Blackburn“, “when is Maghrib prayer time inBlackburn“, “when is isha time in Blackburn.”
We offer you an islamic prayer time table for each month of the year, so you will have an overview on what time exactly you can pray at home, or in a mosque.
On our website we answer your following questions:
- What is the Fajr prayer time in Blackburn ?
- What is the Dhuhr prayer time in Blackburn ?
- What is the Asr prayer time in Blackburn ?
- What is the Maghrib prayer time in Blackburn ?
- What is the Isha prayer time in Blackburn ?
You can find all the answers on our time table.
„And I have chosen you, so listen to that which is inspired to you. Verily, I am Allah! There is none worthy of worship but I, so worship Me and offer prayer perfectly for My remembrance.“ (Taha,13-14)
„And I have chosen you, so listen to that which is inspired to you. Verily, I am Allah! There is none worthy of worship but I, so worship Me and offer prayer perfectly for My remembrance.“ (Taha,13-14)
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam that the Prophet (s.a.v.) mentioned after the testimony of faith (iman), by which one becomes a Muslim. When praying with concentration and properly, prayer awakens and stimulates the soul. The importance of prayer is demonstrated also in the many of the Prophet’s statements.
„The first matter that the slave will be brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound, then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest of his deeds will be bad.“ (Recorded by al-Tabarani. According to al-Albani)

Here you can find a lists of mosques (Masjids) in Blackburn:
- Makki Masjid
- Jaame Masjid
- Masjid e Tauheedul Islam
- Masjid e Anwaar
- Jamia Ghosia Mosque
- Masjid E Sajedeen Mosque
- Masjide Noorul Islam