Prayer Times In Birmingham

You can access up-to-date prayer times Birmingham timetable on Muslim-Salah. Here are today’s prayer times for Birmingham below. If you are looking for prayer times Birmingham, you can also access monthly time table for prayer times in Birmingham below:

Fajr 4:49
Dhuhr 12:19
Asr 3:16
Maghrib 5:56
Isha 7:43
Date Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
01 5:00 6:54 12:20 3:09 5:47 7:34
02 4:58 6:52 12:20 3:11 5:49 7:36
03 4:56 6:49 12:20 3:12 5:51 7:38
04 4:54 6:47 12:19 3:13 5:53 7:39
05 4:51 6:45 12:19 3:14 5:54 7:41
06 4:49 6:43 12:19 3:16 5:56 7:43
07 4:47 6:40 12:19 3:17 5:58 7:45
08 4:44 6:38 12:18 3:18 6:00 7:47
09 4:42 6:36 12:18 3:19 6:02 7:49
10 4:39 6:33 12:18 3:20 6:03 7:51
11 4:37 6:31 12:18 3:22 6:05 7:53
12 4:34 6:29 12:17 3:23 6:07 7:55
13 4:32 6:26 12:17 3:24 6:09 7:57
14 4:29 6:24 12:17 3:25 6:11 7:58
15 4:27 6:22 12:17 3:26 6:12 8:00
16 4:24 6:19 12:16 3:27 6:14 8:02
17 4:22 6:17 12:16 3:29 6:16 8:04
18 4:19 6:15 12:16 3:30 6:18 8:06
19 4:16 6:12 12:15 3:31 6:19 8:09
20 4:14 6:10 12:15 3:32 6:21 8:11
21 4:11 6:08 12:15 3:33 6:23 8:13
22 4:08 6:05 12:14 3:34 6:25 8:15
23 4:06 6:03 12:14 3:35 6:26 8:17
24 4:03 6:01 12:14 3:36 6:28 8:19
25 4:00 5:58 12:14 3:37 6:30 8:21
26 3:57 5:56 12:13 3:38 6:32 8:23
27 3:54 5:53 12:13 3:39 6:33 8:25
28 4:52 6:51 1:13 4:40 7:35 9:28
29 4:49 6:49 1:12 4:41 7:37 9:30
30 4:46 6:46 1:12 4:42 7:39 9:32
31 4:43 6:44 1:12 4:43 7:40 9:34


Prayer times for Birmingham (Namaz time for Birmingham) have been sourced using verified calculation methods.

Fajr Time in Birmingham: Fajr prayer (namaz) is the first prayer to start your day and you should perform before sunrise at true dawn in remembrance of Allah (s.w.t.). Fajr namaz (prayer) consists of 2 rakat Farz and 2 rakat Sunnat.

Dhuhr Time in Birmingham: Dhuhr prayer (namaz) time is before or after noon, depending on the time of year. It is a short break namaz (prayer) to seek His guidance. Dhuhr namaz consists of 4 rakat Sunnat, 4 rakat Farz, 2 rakat Sunnat and 2 rakat Nafl.

Asr Time in Birmingham: Asr prayer (namaz) time in Birmingham is a prayer that takes place in the late afternoon. Asr namaz (prayer) consists of 4 rakat Sunnat and 4 rakat Farz.

Maghrib Time in Birmingham: Maghrib prayer (namaz) is the fourth daily prayer. It takes place after the sun has set. Magrhrib namaz (prayer) consists of 3 rakat Farz and 2 rakat Sunnat.

Isha Time in Birmingham: Isha prayer (namaz) is the last prayer of the day. Isha namaz (prayer) consists of 4 rakat Farz, 4 rakat Sunnat, 2 rakat Sunnat and 2 rakat Sunnat.


Muslims perform five prayers at specified times each day. Five prayers must be performed during various periods of time throughout the day. If you cannot perform your prayer during the prayer times, the prayer will be missed, that known as Qadaa.

It is much more virtuous to perform prayers during prayer times.

Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas’ud:

”I asked the Prophet (s.a.v.) “Which deed is the dearest to Allah?” He replied, “To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times.”

However, the door of Islam is always open to believers. Therefore, the missed prayer should be made up as soon as possible.


“A man’s prayer observed along with another is purer than his prayer observed alone, and his prayer with two men is purer than his prayer with just one, and whenever there are more, it is more pleasing to Allah, the Almighty.” (Sunan Abu Dawud)

Let us take the opportunity performing congregational prayers on for prayer times Birmingham with our Muslim brothers and sisters. Here is a list that you can find mosques in Birmingham:

  • Birmingham Central Mosque
  • Central Jamia Mosque Ghamkol Sharif
  • Green Lane Masjid