On you can find the prayer times in canada such as
Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, Calgary, Edmontor, Brampton, Mississauga, Winnipeg,
Vancouver and Kitchener. You can find the prayer times oft he day, and of the month in a
time table.

How are prayer times calculated in Canada?

The prayer (or Salat) is calculated according to the latitude of the sun.
Sunni Muslims, who represent between 85 and 90% of the world’s Muslims, pray five times a
day: at dawn, at midday, in the afternoon, at sunset and at dusk. In the Muslim religion, the
religious calendar is lunar, while the prayer cycle is solar. To calculate the prayer times, the
position of the sun throughout the day will be used. Even though there are official
timetables, practicing believers are required to be observant when calculating prayers. In
fact, schedules vary not only during the seasons, but also according to the region in which
one is located.

The Different Prayers In Islam

The morning prayer (fajr) is performed at the first light of dawn and ends with the
appearance of the first part of the sun. There is often confusion between the „deceptive“
dawn and the „true“ dawn. The former offers vertical glows that do not cover the horizon,
and then night returns. The other forms a white glow that covers the horizon from north to
south, and only fades away when the sun rises.

The second prayer (dhohr) is performed at midday. It begins when the sun has passed its
zenith and moves toward the direction of sunset. Its period ends when the shadow of an
object is the same size as the object itself.

The afternoon prayer (‚asr) begins at the end of Dhohr time and lasts until sunset. Its end is
calculated when the shadow of the object is now twice its own size.

At sunset, and when the solar disk has completely disappeared from the horizon, the fourth
prayer (maghrib) begins. It ends when there is no more red glow.

And finally, the last prayer (‚icha) ends at the beginning of dawn. And so on and so forth.

The Importance Of Prayer (Salah/Namaz) In Islam

After the Shahada, which consists of the profession of faith, prayer is the most important act for the Muslim. Together with faith (Al-Iman), it represents the basis of Muslim belief and all scholars have qualified it as a fundamental pillar of Islam.

Prayer is the only pillar of Islam that has been prescribed in a beautiful heavenly ceremony. The Prophet (pbuh) received this command from Allah directly, without the intermediary of the Angel Gabriel, on the night of his ascent to heaven. The Qur’an and the Sunnah give pride of place to prayer, which is equaled only by faith.

The Importance Of The Al Fajr Prayer

The prayer of Al Fajr is particularly important because the angels of the night and the angels
of the day gather at dawn to attend the prayer. Allah sends His angels to His servants to
witness their prayer. This proves that this prayer is precious in the eyes of Our Lord. Indeed,
Abu Hurayrah reports that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said: „Prayer in
common is superior to individual prayer by twenty-seven degrees. The angels of the day and
the angels of the night meet at the time of dawn prayer. „What a blessing from Our Lord!
The angels gather for the dawn prayer SubhnaAllah.

Its importance is also proven by the fact that it protects us from Hell. Indeed, ‚Umara b.
Ru’ayba (Peace be upon him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said:
„Whoever performs the prayer before sunrise and the prayer before sunset will not enter
Hell. These are the prayers of Fajr and ‚asr. How can we still doubt its importance and
merits? This prayer is a blessing for us because it will enable us to avoid the fire of Hell inchaAllah. SobhanAllah! What could we hope for better? The importance of the Al Fajr prayer is amply proven by its merits.