Edmonton prayer times
Prayer time in Edmonton, canada
You can access instant prayer times information on the Edmonton Prayer Times page. You can as well view the monthly prayer times table on our website.
May Allah accept your prayer 🙂
Islamic Society of North America, Hanafi
2025-02-04 Edmonton |
Fajr | 6:33 |
Dhuhr | 12:48 |
Asr | 3:32 |
Maghrib | 5:24 |
Isha | 7:03 |
2025-02-04 Edmonton |
Date | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
01 | 6:38 | 8:18 | 12:48 | 3:27 | 5:18 | 6:58 |
02 | 6:36 | 8:17 | 12:48 | 3:29 | 5:20 | 7:00 |
03 | 6:35 | 8:15 | 12:48 | 3:31 | 5:22 | 7:02 |
04 | 6:33 | 8:13 | 12:48 | 3:32 | 5:24 | 7:03 |
05 | 6:32 | 8:11 | 12:48 | 3:34 | 5:26 | 7:05 |
06 | 6:30 | 8:10 | 12:48 | 3:36 | 5:27 | 7:07 |
07 | 6:29 | 8:08 | 12:48 | 3:38 | 5:29 | 7:09 |
08 | 6:27 | 8:06 | 12:48 | 3:40 | 5:31 | 7:10 |
09 | 6:25 | 8:04 | 12:48 | 3:42 | 5:33 | 7:12 |
10 | 6:24 | 8:02 | 12:48 | 3:44 | 5:35 | 7:14 |
11 | 6:22 | 8:00 | 12:48 | 3:45 | 5:37 | 7:16 |
12 | 6:20 | 7:58 | 12:48 | 3:47 | 5:39 | 7:17 |
13 | 6:18 | 7:56 | 12:48 | 3:49 | 5:41 | 7:19 |
14 | 6:16 | 7:54 | 12:48 | 3:51 | 5:43 | 7:21 |
15 | 6:14 | 7:52 | 12:48 | 3:53 | 5:45 | 7:23 |
16 | 6:13 | 7:50 | 12:48 | 3:54 | 5:47 | 7:24 |
17 | 6:11 | 7:48 | 12:48 | 3:56 | 5:49 | 7:26 |
18 | 6:09 | 7:45 | 12:48 | 3:58 | 5:51 | 7:28 |
19 | 6:07 | 7:43 | 12:48 | 4:00 | 5:53 | 7:30 |
20 | 6:05 | 7:41 | 12:48 | 4:02 | 5:55 | 7:32 |
21 | 6:02 | 7:39 | 12:47 | 4:03 | 5:57 | 7:34 |
22 | 6:00 | 7:37 | 12:47 | 4:05 | 5:59 | 7:35 |
23 | 5:58 | 7:34 | 12:47 | 4:07 | 6:01 | 7:37 |
24 | 5:56 | 7:32 | 12:47 | 4:09 | 6:03 | 7:39 |
25 | 5:54 | 7:30 | 12:47 | 4:10 | 6:05 | 7:41 |
26 | 5:52 | 7:28 | 12:47 | 4:12 | 6:07 | 7:43 |
27 | 5:50 | 7:25 | 12:47 | 4:14 | 6:09 | 7:45 |
28 | 5:47 | 7:23 | 12:46 | 4:16 | 6:11 | 7:47 |
When is the prayer (Namaz) time in Edmonton?
On the Muslim-Salah, you can find answers to questions about prayer times such as „when is the morning call to prayer (Fajr), when is the noon prayer “Dhuhr”, when is the afternoon (asr) prayer or the evening (Maghrib) prayer, when is the night “isha” prayer.
Edmonton salah time 2020
We offer you an islamic prayer time table for each month of the year, so you will have an overview on what time exactly you can pray at home, or in a mosque.
On our website we answer your following questions:
- What is the “Fajr” prayer time in Edmonton?
- What is the “Dhuhr” prayer time ?
- What is the “Asr” prayer time ?
- What is the “Maghrib” prayer time?
- What is the “Isha” prayer time?
You can find all the answers on our time table.
List of mosques (Masjids) in Edmonton
Here you can find a list of mosques (Masjids) in Ottawa:
- Canadian Islamic Center – Al Rashid Mosque (Masjid)
- MCE Mosque
- MAC Islamic Centre / Rahma Mosque
- Al Ameen Mosque
- Masjid Annoor
- Masjid AT-Taqwa
- arkaz-Ul-Islam
- Annoor Islamic Centre
- Islamic Downtown Assn
- Masjid Al Fatima